
⚠️ Coze is in alpha. We appreciate feedback and contributions. Use at your own risk.



Coze is a cryptographic JSON messaging specification.

Try Coze out!


Example Coze

	"pay": {
		"msg": "Coze Rocks",
		"alg": "ES256",
		"iat": 1623132000,
		"tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
		"typ": ""
	"sig": "Jl8Kt4nznAf0LGgO5yn_9HkGdY3ulvjg-NyRGzlmJzhncbTkFFn9jrwIwGoRAQYhjc88wmwFNH5u_rO56USo_w"

Coze Design Goals

  1. Idiomatic JSON
  2. Human readable
  3. Limited scope
  4. Providing defined cipher suites

See also the Coze philosophy

Coze Fields

Coze defines standard fields for the objects pay, key, and coze. Applications may include additional fields as desired. While all fields are optional, omitting standard fields may limit compatibility. Binary values are encoded as RFC 4648 base 64 URI canonical with padding truncated (b64ut). JSON components are serialized into UTF-8 for signing, verification, and hashing. All JSON fields must be unique, and unmarshalling JSON with duplicate fields must result in an error. All timestamp values are suggested to be Unix time (UTC).

All Coze Standard Fields

Coze Standard Fields


pay contains the fields alg, iat, tmb, and typ and optionally any additional application fields. In the first example msg is additional.

pay Standard Fields

typ’s value may be used by applications as desired. The value is recommended to denote API information such as versioning, expected fields, and/or other application defined programmatic functions. In the first example, "typ":"" denotes a pay with the fields ["msg","alg","iat","tmb","typ"] as defined by an application.

Coze Key

Example Public Coze Key

	"kid":"Zami's Majuscule Key.",

Example Private Coze Key

	"kid":"Zami's Majuscule Key.",

key Standard Fields

Note that the private component d is not included in tmb generation. Also note that kid must not be used programmatically while typ may be used programmatically.

Coze object

The JSON name coze may be used to wrap a coze.

		"pay": {
			"msg": "Coze Rocks",
			"alg": "ES256",
			"iat": 1623132000,
			"tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
			"typ": ""
		"sig": "Jl8Kt4nznAf0LGgO5yn_9HkGdY3ulvjg-NyRGzlmJzhncbTkFFn9jrwIwGoRAQYhjc88wmwFNH5u_rO56USo_w"

coze Standard Fields

sig is the signature over the bytes of cad. cad is not rehashed before signing. czd’s hashing algorithm must align with alg in pay. czd refers to a particular signed message just as cad refers to a particular payload. cad and czd are calculated from brace to brace, including the braces. cad and czd are recalculatable and are recommended to be omitted from cozies, although they may be useful for reference.

As an added technical constraint, because sig and czd are used as identifiers, sig must be non-malleable. Malleable schemes like ECDSA must perform signature canonicalization that constrains signatures to a non-malleable form.

Verbose coze

Including unnecessary labels is not recommended. For example, the JSON object {"pay":{...},"sig":...} doesn’t need the label coze if implicitly known by applications. The following should generally be omitted: key may be looked up by applications by using tmb, the fields can, cad, and czd are recalculatable, and the label coze may be inferred.

A tautologic coze:

	"coze": {
		"pay": {
			"msg": "Coze Rocks",
			"alg": "ES256",
			"iat": 1623132000,
			"tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
			"typ": ""
		"key": {
			"kid":"Zami's Majuscule Key.",
		"can": ["msg","alg","iat","tmb","typ"],
		"cad": "Ie3xL77AsiCcb4r0pbnZJqMcfSBqg5Lk0npNJyJ9BC4",
		"czd": "TnRe4DRuGJlw280u3pGhMDOIYM7ii7J8_PhNuSScsIU",
		"sig": "Jl8Kt4nznAf0LGgO5yn_9HkGdY3ulvjg-NyRGzlmJzhncbTkFFn9jrwIwGoRAQYhjc88wmwFNH5u_rO56USo_w"


	"pay": {
		"msg": "Coze Rocks",
		"alg": "ES256",
		"iat": 1623132000,
		"tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
		"typ": ""
	"sig": "Jl8Kt4nznAf0LGgO5yn_9HkGdY3ulvjg-NyRGzlmJzhncbTkFFn9jrwIwGoRAQYhjc88wmwFNH5u_rO56USo_w"


A canon is a list of fields used for normalization, e.g. ["alg","x"]. Coze objects are canonicalized for creating digests, signing, and verification. The canon of pay is the currently present fields in order of appearance. The following Coze fields have predefined canons:

Using a canon, the canonical form of an object is generated by removing fields not appearing in the canon, ordering remaining fields by appearance in the canon, and eliding unnecessary whitespace. The canonical form is serialized into UTF-8 for signing, verification, and hashing.

Canonical form generation steps:

A canonical digest is generated by hashing the UTF-8 serialized canonical form using the hashing algorithm specified by alg. For example,"ES256"’s hashing algorithm is "SHA-256".

The key thumbprint, tmb, is the canonical digest of key using the canon ["alg","x"] and hashing algorithm specified by key.alg. For example, a key alg of ES256 corresponds to the hashing algorithm SHA-256. The canonical form of the example key is:


Hashing this canonical form results in the following digest, which is tmb: cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk.

czd is the canonical digest of coze with the canon ["cad","sig"], which results in the JSON {"cad":"...",sig:"..."}. czd’s hash must align with alg in pay.

The canonical digest of

Using the first example, the following canonical digests are calculated:

Signing and verification functions must not mutate pay. Any mutation of pay via can must occur by canon related functions. Note that’s since pay’s canon is the present fields, no fields are removed when canonicalizing pay.

Coze and Binaries

The canonical digest of a binary file may simply be the digest of the file. The hashing algorithm and any other metadata may be denoted by an accompanying coze. For example, an image (“coze_logo_icon_256.png”) may be referred to by its digest.


For example, a file’s digest, denoted by id, may represent the authorization to upload a file to a user’s account.

 "pay": {
  "alg": "ES256",
  "file_name": "coze_logo_icon_256.png",
  "id": "oDBDAg4xplHQby6iQ2lZMS1Jz4Op0bNoD5LK3KxEUZo",
  "iat": 1623132000,
  "tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
  "typ": ""
 "sig": "DgJb6Qb81uhC-ulZJlIIj8ahi0b5rAbtnkQhiEH1FB0HeNiACVh_Deo6a22OkK2tr0UcDOiIRY1X-BUriw03Mg"


A Coze key may be revoked by signing a coze containing the field rvk with an integer value greater than 0. The integer value 1 is suitable to denote revocation and the current Unix timestamp is the suggested value.

Example Self Revoke

 "pay": {
  "alg": "ES256",
  "iat": 1623132000,
  "msg": "Posted my private key online",
  "rvk": 1623132000,
  "tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
  "typ": ""
 "sig": "KVjPjMVHoL828WyAH5biqIOt-IOaQ5EBtN_7eQifP2w3agUHu6KfqO40_oqQ5GE_BShgXvhbK0O6Z2h5YPNAcw"

Coze explicitly defines a self-revoke method so that third parties may revoke leaked keys. Systems storing Coze keys should provide an interface permitting a given Coze key to be marked as expired by receiving a self-revoke message. Self-revokes with future times must immediately be considered as expired.

rvk and iat must be a positive integer less than 2^53 – 1 (9,007,199,254,740,991), which is the integer precision limit specified by IEEE754 minus one. Revoke checks must error if rvk is not an integer or larger than 2^53 - 1.

Key expiration policies, key rotation, backdating, and alternative revocation methods are outside the scope of Coze.


alg specifies a parameter set and is a single source of truth for Coze cryptographic operations.

Example - “alg”:”ES256”

Supported Algorithms

Coze Verifier

The Coze verifier is an in-browser tool for signing and verifying.

Coze Verifier


There is also the Simple Coze Verifier that has the minimal amount of code needed for a basic Coze application. Its codebase is in the Cozejs repo and may be locally hosted.

Coze Implementations

See docs/ for the Go development guide.

Coze Core and Coze X

The sections above are defined as the main Coze specification, Coze core. There are no plans to increase Coze’s scope or features in core other than additional algorithm support. This will be especially true after Coze is out of Alpha/Beta. (At the moment, we would like more time for feedback before casting the specification into stone.)

Coze x (Coze extended) includes additional documentation, extra features, drafts, proposals, early new algorithms support that’s not yet adopted in Coze core, and extended algorithm support.

See Coze_go_x/normal for an example of a Coze x feature not included in Coze core.

Repository structure:


Pronunciation? What does “Coze” mean?

We say “Co-zee” like a comfy cozy couch. Jared suggested Coze because it’s funny. The English word Coze is pronounced “kohz” and means “a friendly talk; a chat” which is the perfect name for a messaging standard.

“Coze” vs “coze”?

We use upper case “Coze” to refer to the specification, and “coze”/”cozies” to refer to messages.

What is Coze useful for?

Coze’s applications are endless as Coze is useful for anything needing cryptographic signing. Coze is deployed in various applications such as user authentication (user login), authorization, product tracking, user comments, user votes, chain of custody, Internet of things (IoT), sessions, and cookies.

As a timely example the CEO of Reddit ( edited people’s comments. Messages signed by Coze prevents tampering by third parties.

The Coze Philosophy of Abstraction

Providing a cryptographic abstraction layer is a key feature of Coze. Coze provides gentle standardization that increases compatibility across various systems. In this way, Coze is like a simple cryptographic programming language, allowing projects to “speak the same language”. A much larger strategic benefit is that Coze decouples projects from underlying cryptographic primitives. If problems are discovered with particular primitives, decoupled architecture is simple to change while tightly coupled architecture can be extremely difficult to alter.

A prevalent limitation many cryptographic projects face is that they are rigidly tied to single primitives. It’s hard to overstate the significance of this problem.

Coze takes Bruce Schneier’s advice seriously:

It’s not enough to implement a single standard; it’s vital that our systems be able to easily swap in new algorithms when required. We’ve learned the hard way how algorithms can get so entrenched in systems that it can take many years to update them: in the transition from DES to AES, and the transition from MD4 and MD5 to SHA, SHA-1, and then SHA-3.

The consequences of rigidly tying primitives for cryptographic projects are:

Coze provides a standardized abstraction layer, eliminating significant redundant effort of implementation, resolving compatibility conflicts, establishing implementation standards, and providing the flexibility to use various primitives as needed.

The Debt of Inflexibility

The cost of tight coupling to cryptographic primitives has been demonstrated repeatedly throughout the industry.

Git - Git was tightly coupled to the questionably secure SHA1 in 2005. Upgrading to SHA2 has been a herculean effort requiring many years to implement, which is still ongoing in 2025, 20 years later.

SSL/TLS prior to TLS 1.2 - When MD5 and SHA1 weaknesses were discovered, it required major protocol revisions rather than simple primitive substitution.

Bitcoin - Bitcoin is tightly coupled to SHA256, ES256k, and RIPEMD for its proof-of-work and transaction verification. While ES256k remains secure, if quantum computers eventually threaten it, transitioning would be extremely challenging.

PGP/GPG - When MD5 was broken, transitioning to newer algorithms required significant protocol changes and caused compatibility issues between versions.

DNSSEC - Transitioning from RSA and SHA1 to newer algorithms like ECDSA and SHA2 required protocol extensions and complex transition mechanisms.

WPA2 - WPA2 was tightly coupled to RC4 and AES in specific modes. When vulnerabilities were found (like KRACK), updating the protocol was complex.

Tight coupling to cryptographic primitives creates significant technical debt that becomes increasingly expensive to address over time. Quantum computing and other security threats require the ability to adapt cryptographic systems quickly. Coze aims to, as an intentional byproduct of standardization, prevent projects from accumulating this kind of debt, ensuring they remain adaptable to future cryptographic needs.

Binary? Why not support binary payloads?

JSON isn’t well designed for large binary payloads. Instead, Coze suggests including the digest of a binary file in a coze message while transporting the binary separately. There’s nothing stopping an application from base 64 encoding a binary for transport, although it’s not recommended.

How Should I Handle Large Text Messages?

JSON is not ideal for arbitrary text due to escaping, which increases the size of arbitrary text and makes human readability difficult. Instead of signing text embedded in a JSON field like msg, consider hashing the text, signing its digest, and transporting the message separately. We consider signing digests instead of large messages a best practice, although it may add some complexity to services.

The following example, which signs a portion of this README, isn’t ergonomic.

"alg": "ES256",
"iat": 1623132000,
"msg": "# Coze \n**Coze** is a cryptographic JSON messaging specification.\n\n[Try Coze out!](",
"tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
"typ": ""

The SHA-256 digest (which aligns with an alg of ES256) of the message gives 4FO2pB9yGxo8BBW2whULqbL5m7eAfUWOkvgQu7-9h08, which is then signed.

"alg": "ES256",
"iat": 1623132000,
"dig": "4FO2pB9yGxo8BBW2whULqbL5m7eAfUWOkvgQu7-9h08",
"tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
"typ": ""

Like binary, the text is transported independently of the JSON Coze payload.

# Coze 
**Coze** is a cryptographic JSON messaging specification.

[Try Coze out!](

The coze not only digitally signs the message, but also the digest integrity protects its value. An additional benefit of this method is that coze signatures are guaranteed to remain a small, constant size regardless of the size of the input text.

Why is Coze’s scope so limited?

Coze is intentionally scope limited. It is easier to extend a limited standard than to fix a large standard. Coze can be extended and customized for individual applications.

Is Coze versioned?

alg refers to a specific set of parameters for all operations and Coze Core “versioning” is accomplished by noting specific algorithm support. If an operation needs a different parameter set, alg itself must denote the difference. alg permits Coze implementations to support a subset of features while remaining Coze compliant. The specification hopes to stay simple and stable enough to preclude versioning, however we suspect further tweaks are probably warranted, so a long alpha and beta time is planned. Extension to Coze are defined by CozeX so implementations avoid feature bloat. Implementation releases themselves are versioned.

Why does pay have cryptographic components?

Coze’s pay includes all payload information, a design we’ve dubbed a “fat payload”. We consider single pass hashing critical for Coze’s simple design.

Alternative schemes require a larger canon, {"head":{...},"pay":{...}}, or concatenation like digest(head) || digest(pay). By hashing only pay, the “head” label and encapsulating braces are dropped, pay:{...}, and the label "pay" may then be inferred, {...}. {...} is better than {"head":{...},"pay":{...}}.

Verifying a coze already requires hashing pay. Parsing alg from pay is a small additional cost.

JSON APIs? Can my API do versioning?

Coze is well suited for JSON APIs. API versioning may be handled by applications however desired. A suggested way of incorporating API versioning in Coze is to use typ, e.g. "typ":"", where “v1” is the api version.

Can my application use Canon/Canonicalization?

Yes, canon is suitable for general purpose application. Applications may specify canon expectations in API documentation, if using Coze denoted by “typ” or explicitly specified by can, or implicitly known and pre-established. Coze Core contains simple canonicalization functions, or for more expressive capabilities see Normal.

pay.typ vs key.typ.

For applications, pay.typ may denote a canon. For example, a typ with value has a canon, as defined by the service, of [“alg”, “iat”, “msg”, “tmb”, “typ”]. The service may reject a coze that’s not canonicalized as expected. For example, the service might reject cozies missing iat.

Like typ in pay, applications may use key.typ to specify custom fields (e.g., “first_seen” or “account_id”) and field order.

Key.tmb ignores key.typ because alg serves as the key’s typ so the static canon, ["alg","x"], is sufficient. Using alg in the generation of tmb ensures the impossibility of algorithms producing colliding thumbprints (where one algorithm could produce x values colliding with other algorithms).

ECDSA x and sig Bytes.

For ECDSA , (X and Y) and (R and S) are concatenated for x and sig respectively. For ES512, which unlike the other ECDSA algorithms uses the odd numbered P-521, X, Y, R, and S are padded before concatenation.

Why use tmb and not x for references in messages?

Coze places no limit on public key size, which can be very large. For example, GeMSS128 public keys are 352,188 bytes, compared to Ed25519’s 32 bytes. Using tmb instead of x generalizes Coze for present and future algorithm use. Additionally, x may be cryptographically significant for key security while tmb is not.

Required Coze Fields, Contextual Cozies, and the Empty Coze.

The standard fields provide Coze and applications fields with known types since JSON has limited type identifiers. Coze has no required fields, however omitting standard fields limits interoperability among applications, so it is suggested to include standard fields appropriately.

Cozies that are missing the fields pay.alg and/or pay.tmb are contextual cozies, denoting that additional information is needed for verification. Caution is urged when deploying contextual cozies as including the standard fields pay.alg and pay.tmb is preferred.

An empty coze, which has an empty pay and populated sig, is legitimate. It may be verified if key is known. The following empty coze was signed with the example key “cLj8vs”.


UTF-8 and b64ut (RFC base 64 URI canonical truncated) Encoding

Canonical base 64 (sometimes called “strict”) encoding is required and non-strict encoding of both b64ut and UTF-8 must error. For the initial reason for why Coze uses b64ut see

Why not PGP/OpenSSL/LibreSSL/SSHSIG/libsodium/JOSE(JWT)/COSE/etc…? How does Coze compare with prior arts?

We respect the various projects in the space. Other projects have noble goals and we’re thankful they exist. Coze is influenced by ideas from many others. However existing solutions were not meeting our particular needs so we created Coze.

See and the introduction presentation for more.

Does Coze have checksums?

x, tmb,cad, czd, and sig may be used for integrity checking.

Systems may use sig as an integrity check via cryptographic verification. If cad and/or czd are included they may be recalculated and error on mismatch.

For keys, x and/or tmb may be recalculated and error on mismatch.Coze keys cannot be integrity checked when d, x, or tmb are presented alone. In situations needing integrity checking, we recommend including at least two components. See for more.

Performance hacks?

Coze is not optimized for long messages, but if early knowledge of Coze standard fields is critical for application performance, put the Coze standard fields first, e.g. {"alg", "tmb", ...}

I need to keep my JSON separate but inside a coze.

If appending custom fields after the standard Coze fields isn’t sufficient, we suggest encapsulating custom JSON in “~”, the last ASCII character. We’ve dubbed this a “tilde encapsulated payload”. For example:

	"alg": "ES256",
	"iat": 1623132000,
	"tmb": "cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk",
	"typ": "",
	"~": {
		"msg": "tilde encapsulated payload"

ASCII/Unicode/UTF-8/UTF-16 and Ordering?

Even though Javascript uses UTF-16 and JSON was designed in a Javascript context, JSON implementations rejected the problematic UTF-16, which has some code points out of order, in favor of UTF-8. Requiring JSON UTF-8 encoding was formalized by the JSON RFC 8259 section 8.1. Unicode, ASCII, and UTF-8 all share sorting order.

Although JSON arrays are defined as ordered, JSON objects are defined as unordered. How is pay, an unordered JSON object, signed when signing requires a static representation? UTF-8 is the explicitly defined serialization for JSON. Coze’s signing and verification operations are not over abstract JSON, but rather the concrete UTF-8. Coze marshals JSON into UTF-8 before signing, and Coze verifies UTF-8 before unmarshalling into JSON.

Additionally, object field order may be denoted by can, chaining normals, or communicate via other means.

Where does the cryptography come from?

Much of this comes from NIST FIPS.

For example, FIPS PUB 186-3 defines P-224, P-256, P-384, and P-521.

To learn more see this walkthrough of ECDSA.

Unsupported Things?

The following are out of scope or redundant.


Coze does not currently support encryption. If or when it ever does it would be similar to or simply complement age.

Why define algorithms?

Coze’s design is generalized and not overly coupled to any single primitive. Because of this, applications that use Coze can easy upgrade cryptographic primitives. Using a single primitive is perfectly fine, but tightly coupling systems to a single primitive is not. Simultaneous support for multiple primitives is a secondary, and optional, perk.

JSON “Name”, “Key”, “Field Name”, “Member Name”?

They’re all synonyms. A JSON name is a JSON key is a JSON field name is a JSON member name. In this document we use “field name” to avoid confusion with Coze key.

Why are duplicate field names prohibited?

Coze explicitly requires that implementations disallow duplicate field names in coze, pay, and key. Existing JSON implementations have varying behavior. Douglas Crockford, JSON’s inventor, tried to fix this but it was decided it was too late.

Although Douglas Crockford couldn’t change the spec forcing all implementations to error on duplicate, his Java JSON implementation errors on duplicate names. Others use last-value-wins, support duplicate keys, or other non-standard behavior. The JSON RFC states that implementations should not allow duplicate keys, notes the varying behavior of existing implementations, and states that when names are not unique, “the behavior of software that receives such an object is unpredictable.” Also note that Javascript objects (ES6) and Go structs already require unique names.

Duplicate fields are a security issue, a source of bugs, and a surprising behavior to users. See the article, “An Exploration of JSON Interoperability Vulnerabilities

Disallowing duplicates conforms to the small I-JSON RFC. The author of I-JSON, Tim Bray, is also the author of current JSON specification (RFC 8259). See also

Why is human readability a goal?

Although humans cannot verify a signature without the assistance of tools, readability allows humans to visually verify what a message does.

We saw the need for JSON-centric cryptography and idiomatic JSON is human readable. JSON is not a binary format; it is a human readable format and any framwork built on JSON should embrace its human readability. If human readability is unneeded, JSON is entirely the wrong message format to employ. All else being equal, human readability is better than non-human readability.


See also I-JSON and JSON5

HTTP? HTTP Cookies? HTTP Headers?

When using Coze with HTTP cookies, Coze messages should be JSON minified. For example, we’ve encountered no issues using the first example as a cookie:

token={"pay":{"msg":"Coze Rocks","alg":"ES256","iat":1623132000,"tmb":"cLj8vsYtMBwYkzoFVZHBZo6SNL8wSdCIjCKAwXNuhOk","typ":""},"sig":"Jl8Kt4nznAf0LGgO5yn_9HkGdY3ulvjg-NyRGzlmJzhncbTkFFn9jrwIwGoRAQYhjc88wmwFNH5u_rO56USo_w"}; Path=/;  Secure; Max-Age=999999999; SameSite=None

For more considerations see

Why release pre-alpha on 2021/06/08?

Coze was released on 2021/06/08 (1623132000) since it’s 30 years and one day after the initial release of PGP 1.0. We wrote a blog with more details of Coze’s genesis.

Signature Malleability?

Coze prohibits signature malleability. See

Who created Coze?

Coze was created by

Discussion? Social Media?

Other Resources


Coze JSON alg iat tmb typ rvk kid d x coze pay key can cad czd sig cryptography crypto authentication auth login hash digest signature Cypherpunk Cyphrme Ed25519 Ed25519ph ES224 ES256 ES384 ES512 SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA512 JOSE JWS JWE JWK JWT PASETO PASERK signify ssh SSHSIG PGP Bitcoin Ethereum base64 b64ut SQRL

Attribution, Trademark Notice, and License

Coze is released under The 3-Clause BSD License.

“” is a trademark of Cypherpunk, LLC. The logo is all rights reserved Cypherpunk, LLC and may not be used without permission.